Communication between two MSP430 with using UART (MSP430 Application C ++)
Hello guys, This tutorial shows you how to communicate between two MSPs. Firstly, one of them must be a master controller. And the other remaining one must be slaves. Basically , when you enter some input from master contoller, A signal comes from master, goes into slave's input. This tutorial is show us when you press button from master controller, other controller led will light up. Embed the codes into microcontroller separately. Play the code as you wish. Mail me if there are any problems with code. Mail: You all succeed! ------------------------- MASTER MSP430 CODES #include "msp430g2553.h" // When you press buton , data which is 0x01 , sends it to slave msp via UART . As long as the data coming from master msp is equal to '2' , the master msp's led lights up. // function prototypes void UARTInit(void); void main(void){ WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;// watchdog timer OFF //DCO clock freq settings BCSCTL1...